Cartes et Téléchargments

DEVPORT is a network of researchers working on maritime and port-related issues, as well as the terrestrial impacts of these activities

Cartes et Téléchargements

Mapping is an ideal tool to report scales interferences, relationships and interactions between the mainstream of the global circulation of goods and the territorial organizations like gateways to the global economy mainland. There are many terms in the literature to designate areas of interest like port clusters, logistics corridors, maritime region or regional port system. Research’s DEVPORT members are based on these representations that are proposed here at various stages of development, from the thematic analysis map until more sophisticated representations which calls for data mining and advanced statistical techniques. Are added flow charts and graphics that reflect changing phenomena’s, temporal or not, which come into resonance with the areas studied: breaks, trends, cycles, diffusion.

This website is not an atlas but a mapping workshop; cards issued are not standardized but are presented according to the standards of each publication. Some are Working Paper that have not yet been published but which illustrate a step in scientific demonstration.

You can query the map library by selecting one or more criteria in the drop-down menus or foraging from the thumbnails that appear below. Maps and comments are downloadable in PDF and JPEG format. They can be used in a non-commercial context, subject to mentioning the name of the author, the editor and publication date.

These documents are also intended to stimulate discussion and questions; you can do that by contacting us at projet.devport@univ-lehavre.fr

L'AIS, outils de rapprochemententre circulation et rejets maritimes

Un tiers des 16 500 emplois des activités maritimes et portuaires havraises dépendent d'entreprises dont le siège social est localisé en dehors du département de Seine-Maritime

Le trafic conteneur : les principaux partenaires du Havre en 2003

La filière cosmétiques et parfums

La filière température dirigée

Position des ports sur la route "optimale" des flux mondiaux de porte-conteneurs en 1996 et 2006

Transports terrestres en Baltique Orientale

Trafic des ports Baltes

Temps d'accès aux ports en poids lourd par le réseau routier

L'Axe Seine : Deux région et quatre département

Organization and development of cruise shipping in the Baltic sea

Organization and development of cruise shipping in the Baltic sea

The cruise in Le Havre, keys of development coming from the european ports

The cruise in Le Havre, keys of development coming from the european ports

Contribution des autoroutes de la mer à la réalisation de l’intermodalité

Contribution des autoroutes de la mer à la réalisation de l’intermodalité

Governance process into port areas of the Northern Range

Governance process into port areas of the Northern Range

Port et /ou ville portuaire

Port et /ou ville portuaire

Les équipements portuaires face aux mondialisations contemporaines

Les équipements portuaires face aux mondialisations contemporaines

Résumé des communications du Colloque International Devport 2016

Résumé des communications du Colloque International Devport 2016

Cartothèque Haropa

Cartothèque Haropa

SIG et optimisation des rtouts logistiques

SIG et optimisation des rtouts logistiques

Poster Devport : Actions de valorisation du SIG : convention de collaboration avec Haropa

Poster Devport : Actions de valorisation du SIG : convention de collaboration avec Haropa

Il y a 143 résultats