
DEVPORT est un réseau de chercheurs qui travaillent sur les problématiques maritimes et portuaires ainsi que sur les impacts terrestres de ces activités

LOubet L., Serry A., 2022, Port Cities Dynamics in North-Western France: the Cases of Dunkirk, Le Havre and Nantes-Saint-Nazaire
The beginning of the twenty-first century has brought about multiple changes for French ports, such as increased competition and the loss of market share, as well as reforms that have reorganized the national port system. In this context, France’s western coastline constitutes a major stake for the development of the country's foreign trade. Indeed, it is located in an ambivalent position, both closely connected to and at the same time competing with the Northern-Range. Since the large port reform of 2008, the three autonomous ports of France’s western coast (Dunkirk, Le Havre, and Nantes- Saint-Nazaire) have become “Large Maritime Ports” (Grands ports maritimes), or “major seaports” in English. If their institutional governance subscribes to a general model, we can nevertheless observe local specificities which are reinforced by the contemporary merging of the ports of the Seine Axis (Le Havre, Rouen and Paris).Beyond the institutional dimension, therefore, the paper will analyse the decision-making mechanism and structuring of local leaderships according to the representations of the main stakeholders of the three port cities. For this purpose, the representatives of the stakeholders involved were interviewed during a series of consultations, aiming at defining the urban port governance processes in each territory. Thus, the articulation of the scales of power, private-public relations, opposition between port workers’ unions, port authorities or organizations defending the interests of industrial port companies, are expressed through nuances that give substance to port dynamics, as complex as it is subtle. Lire plus

Arnaud SERRY

Permacrisis & Logistics: From Assessment to Foresight

Arnaud SERRY

Polish Container Ports, New Baltic Hubs?

Arnaud SERRY

SERRY Arnaud, 2011, « Les nouvelles circulations commerciales à la frontière entre Russie et Union Européenne en Baltique orientale », in Colloque International Commerce et Discontinuités, Arras, 23-25 mars 2011.

Arnaud SERRY

LEVEQUE L., CHEDOT C., 2010 Cluster portuaire et localisation de la décision dans les activités maritimes et portuaires : quelques enseignements de l’exemple havrais. Communication au colloque "Transport et développement des territoires"


SERRY Arnaud, GRITSENKO Daria (2015) A Geographical Perspective, in Transnav 2015 International conference on maritime navigation and safety of sea transportation. on Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Facility Development in the Eastern Baltic Sea

Arnaud SERRY

SERRY Arnaud & LEVEQUE Laurent, 2014, « Le système d’identification automatique (AIS) : une source de données pour étudier la circulation maritime », in Colloque International Mobilités sans incertitude ? Incertitude des mobilités ?, Le Havre, 10-12 septembre 2014.

Arnaud SERRY

Serry A., 2015, « Géographie du transport maritime », in Escach N. [sous la dir. de], Géographie des mers et des océans, Dunod, 2015, pp. 184-207.

Arnaud SERRY

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